Sunday, January 12, 2014

Best Programming Languages to Learn in 2013

One of the first questions new computer science students ask is “what language should I learn?” The answer to this question is more complicated than you might assume. Different languages have different capabilities and applications. Some languages are more commonly used in enterprise settings (example: Java), while others are a staple of web apps (example: PHP).
Based on popularity and jobs availability, let’s take a look at the eight most popular languages to learn right now:

1. Java

Java is an object-oriented programming language developed in 1995 by Sun Microsystems. In less than 20 years, Java has become among the most popular programming languages in the world (ranked no.2 as per TIOBE Programming Community Index, no.1 on JobsTractor). Java is platform independent, which means that programs made for Mac OS X can be run on Windows and Linux, and vice versa. This feature is one of the reasons why Java is the go-to language for most enterprise applications.
Demand for Java engineers is exceptionally high, with counting 62,589 Java vacancies in its database. Most senior developer positions require a working knowledge of Java and/or C.

2. C Language

C is one of the oldest programming languages used today. It was originally developed in 1972 by Dennis Ritchie at Bell Labs. C is the “grandfather” of many programming languages, including Java, C#, C++, Perl and JavaScript.
C is powerful, stable, and easily available on virtually all platforms. The primary interpretation of many popular languages like Python and PHP are written in C language. This is the reason why C is one of the first languages taught to students, as it can make learning other languages far easier.
C ranks no.1 on the TIOBE index and no.13 on JobsTractor.

3. C++

C++ was originally created in 1983 to address the shortcomings of the C language. It is an intermediate-level language with object-oriented programming features. C++ powers some of the most popular desktop applications in the world, including the entire suite of Adobe software (Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, etc.), Mozilla Firefox, Google Chromium, and Winamp. Demand for C++ programmers is perpetually high, with 29,225 vacancies according to Indeed. It also ranks no.4 on TIOBE index, and no. 10 on JobsTractor.

4. C#

C# (pronounced “C-Sharp”) was developed by Microsoft in 2000 as a fundamental part of its .NET framework. C# is an object-oriented, multi-paradigm programming language that combines the best of C and C++. Learning C# is a must for any programmer who wants to develop for Microsoft platforms (including Windows).
C# ranks no. 6 on TIOBE index and no. 8 on JobsTractor.

5. Objective-C

Objective-C was developed in 1983 by Tom Love and Brad Cox at Apple to address the objected-oriented deficiencies of C language. Objective C is the primary language used in Apple OS X and iOS operating systems. The surge in popularity of Macs and Apple “i’” devices (including iPad and iPhone) has created a huge demand for Objective-C programmers. A working knowledge of Objective-C will help you develop apps for iOS, which paves the way for thousands of jobs in startups as well as big tech companies (17,702 jobs, as per Indeed). As an Objective-C programmer, you can also freelance and create apps for iOS on your own.
Objective-C ranks no.3 on both JobsTractor and the TIOBE index.

6. PHP

PHP (Hypertext Processor) is a server-side scripting language that powers more than 244m websites online, including the popular publishing platforms WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal. Created in 1995, PHP is one of the younger languages on this list.
PHP is relatively easy to learn and can be readily embedded within HTML pages, which has made it the go-to general purpose programming language online. The high demand for web application developers has led to a huge surfeit in PHP jobs. Mastering PHP is often the first step to becoming a full-fledged web developer.
Incidentally, PHP ranks no.2 on JobsTractor monthly job stats, and no.5 according to TIOBE index. There are also 17,627 PHP jobs online, according to

7. Python

Python was created in 1991 by Guido van Rossum. This high-level programming language emphasizes readability and simplicity and is a great language for beginners to start their programming journey. Python has enjoyed a resurgence in popularity in the last few years and now powers some of the most popular websites in the world, like,, and through its associated web framework, Django. Google has invested especially heavily in Python development in the last decade or so, which has further added to the language’s popularity (in fact, Python founder van Rossum was a Google employee from 2005 to 2012).
Python ranks no.9 on the JobsTractor job availability list and no.8 on the TIOBE index. Indeed counts 19,533 Python jobs online.

8. Ruby

Ruby was developed in 1995 by Yukihiro Matsumoto by combining elements from Perl, Lisp, and Eiffel. It is an object-oriented, dynamic language that emphasizes simplicity and automation. Ruby powers the Ruby on Rails framework, which is used on popular websites like Yammer, Scribd, Github, Groupon, and Shopify. Many students new to programming also find Ruby comparatively easy to learn because of its simple syntax and English-like readability.
Ruby ranks no.5 on JobsTractor’s jobs list, and no.11 on the TIBOE index. Indeed counts 11,435 Ruby jobs in its database.


What programming language you choose to learn should be determined as much by personal tastes and requirements, as by job availability. The job market for programmers is seldom stable; languages that are in vogue today might not be so in the next few years. Objective-C, for instance, was largely ignored throughout the 1990s, but grew in popularity with the resurgence of Apple as a tech powerhouse in the 2000s. As a programmer, you will be expected to be proficient in at least one “workhorse” language like Java or C, but you can always choose to specialize in any other language that excites you intellectually.

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